November 16, 2011

Dear Mr. Bushnell and Staff:

I just picked up this week’s Northeast News and wanted to write and thank you.

There have not been very many instances that I have spoken up on something that I have seen in print, even when it disturbs me and I know I should. For that, I hope to change. I wanted to thank you for running the full page ad/editorial in the center of your paper from the Catholic League. I thank you for your bravery and fairness to run the letter when the Kansas City Star will not. Thus again proving their liberal bias and anti-Roman Catholic slant.

I know that when a child is harmed, it is an atrocity and grave sin. And those who have done such things need to pay for what they have done. But there needs to be fairness when someone is accused of such a terrible thing. Something that SNAP has proven they are not interested in.

I am not writing to rail against SNAP or the Kansas City Star. As I said, I wanted to thank you, Mr. Bushnell for being fair minded and willing to run the letter that allows the Church to be defended from those that would bring her harm. I know that you will probably receive calls and letters in complaint about it too. For that I am sorry, and I hope that these other letters will not deter you in being fair in the future.

Again, Thank you.

Stephen F. Edwards, long-time resident of Northeast, Roman Catholic in love with his Church

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To the editor:

I would like to thank you for writing the article on the KCIR Drag strip. Not only will the closing of the drag strip cause more street racing but it seems that our city leaders have forgotten the thousands of businesses in this area that cater to the racers – speed equipment sales, restaurants, motels and so on.

One car dealer said they sell a lot of new trucks each year to racers. I’m sure others do too.

I guess they didn’t think of all the tax revenue this city will lose because of the loss of these businesses’ income. Not to mention the historic value of this race track: Big Daddy Don Garlits, Gene Snow, John Force, Chris Karamesines, Sox and Martin and many, many more.

It is a shame that a hand-full of well to do people can ruin the lives and fun of thousands.

It’s hard to say how many people will be hurt when this city goes back to dangerous street racing.

Again Thanks,

Pat Casady

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To the editor:

I was surprised at seeing a full page “ad” in last week’s paper concerning Bishop Finn and SNAP, but I am grateful this discussion has come to our neighborhood.

I am a 20-year very active member of Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church at 10th and Bennington. Mu offices have been on Truman Road for almost 25 years, and I live in this neighborhood. I am the father of two boys who were abused by a Catholic priest when they were nine years old.

What is most troubling about this “ad” is it makes little mention of the concern of the church’s concern for the victims. The Catholic League has taken the same defensive position as Bishop Finn. What is badly needed is the church to come down off the alter and kneel in front of victims and ask what can they do to begin the healing process.

Bishop Finn needs to resign and a lay receiver named for the Diocese.

Haven’t we learned enough from the recent Penn State fiasco about folks in power who allow such abuse for the greater good of their employer? What greater sin than that is there?

David Biersmith, Kansas City, Mo.