Julia Williams

Within a cramped room — in rather courthouse fashion — Northeast residents, Hoxie Collective LLC and Kansas City’s Parks and Recreation Department Board gathered July 23 at its public board meeting (4600 E. 63rd St.) to witness the approval of the Collective’s Kessler Park Improvement Master Plan. 

A ploy over a year in the making, this Kessler Park master plan is driven by Hoxie Collective LLC and its founder Christina Hoxie — with a mission to improve quality of life, health and wellness within the Northeast community, according to its planning process. 

Operating over a three phase planning process, this improvement objective will address seven recreational grounds within the Northeast across 303 acres — including Maple Park, the old municipal Reservoir, North Terrace Lake, Concourse Park, Kansas City Museum/ Scarritt Point, Indian Mound and Northeast Athletic Fields. 

Hoxie, along with her organization, has mapped out specific improvements and implements for each location to ensure safety and environmental conservation. This includes creating connective pathways for the community to walk, run or bike across its spanning 3.5 miles. 

Image by Hoxie Collective LLC

Additional implementations include splash pads, dog parks, public restrooms, skateboard spaces and accessible parking, among other advancements. 

Several community organizations attended this July 23 board meeting in support of Hoxie Collective — including its project partners Jerusalem Farm and KC Disc Golf Club. 

Jordan Schiele — Jerusalem Farm co-founder and project director — gave a public testimony last Tuesday, stating he was in favor of this master plan.

“The parks are listed as a top asset in the Northeast,” Schiele said. “This represents safety and community concerns.” 

KC Disc Golf Club Competitor Jack Lowe also spoke in support of activity within these parks and the creation of a city park for downtown Kansas City. 

While many public testimonies vocalized positives this plan will bring to the Northeast community, residents also voiced current safety concerns within these spaces — emphasizing improvement of safety and security within Kessler Park must remain a short-term action item. 

Following a project presentation from Hoxie Collective and several public testimonies, the Parks and Recreation Board voted to approve this Kessler Park Improvement Master plan motion. 

For additional information on Hoxie Collective LLC and Kessler Park, visit its website: https://www.hoxiecollective.com/kessler-park-improvement-plan