Katrina E. Williams
Northeast News
The Parks and Recreation Department of Kansas City, Missouri is conducting a survey of area residents – specifically those who utilize their provided services and facilities. This is an opportunity for the citizens and local park visitors to have their voices heard in regards to their local parks.
“We love to have user feedback,” said Heidi Markle, who handles media relations for the department. “The survey is targeted at anyone connected with the Kansas City, Missouri Parks and Recreation Department.”
The survey is conducted annually, with the goal of attaining user commentary. That information is then compared to the city-wide survey that is also conducted annually.
“The Parks and Recreation survey feedback is generally positive,” said Markle.
The feedback is analyzed and presented in both staff and board meetings, then used to determine future goals and potential improvements to Parks and Rec services.
The 28-question survey is expected to take around five minutes to complete. Residents can visit the following link to complete the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Parks2018
The announcement and survey link is also provided via the department’s Facebook page.
The deadline for completing the survey is February 20th, 2018.