Northeast News
March 8, 2017
Here we go again, more screaming about a living wage not being a living wage and how fast food jobs don’t pay enough to feed our families. The dog is tired of the poor me, victim rhetoric. Give it a rest.
This critically thinking pooch agrees with the late, great Ronaldus Magnus, that’s Ronald Reagan for you following along at home, in the premise that a job is the best social program out there. Here’s a new flash for you bused in, paid, sign-toting mobs who don’t get simple economics: entry level fast food gigs were never meant to be a career path. Kind of like welfare wasn’t created to be a career path, but that’s an argument for another day.
The initiative seems to be headed to the ballot this August thanks to poverty pimp attorney Clinton Adams and his brood’s legal wrangling. Never mind this issue, like the gerrymandered streetcar vote, could be decided by a paltry 8% of the electorate that decide to trek to the polls. Councilman Quinton Lucas indicated last week in a social media post that it was time to “correct past mistakes” and pass a living wage that would theoretically lift everyone in a fast food gig out of poverty. The move will force a number of small businesses to raise prices to a point that negatively impacts their business model or, like fast food giant Wendy’s has planned, electronic kiosks that eliminate the fast food counter order takers. Such a move would mean a net job loss, but that doesn’t seem to matter to the economically ignorant screaming mobs. Spare us the theatrics please. Arguing for a “responsible minimum wage increase” is akin to arguing for “common sense gun legislation.” It’s a buzz word and code that allows anyone who may oppose such high minded legislation to be branded by the Left as a kook or someone who marginalizes institutional racism, the kind that keeps the poor shackled to the fry vat.
This dog says balderdash. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, if the people crying foul about their low-wage jobs put as much effort in to advancing themselves at the workplace as they did protesting and carrying signs, maybe they would be a little farther along in their game. But that’s uncomfortable talk and might require some real effort. The dog understands. It’s much easier to be used as a tool by the poverty pimps in the advancement of their agenda. Carry on. Nothing to see here.