Northeast News
Wednesday, June 1
Substance abuse recovery
A substance abuse recovery meeting will take place at 7 p.m. every Wednesday at New Beginning Apostolic Church. Contact Frederick Wilson (816-786-1981) for more information.
Pueblo to Pueblo
Join the Kansas City Museum for its latest exhibit, Pueblo to Pueblo: The Legacy of Southwest Indian Pottery. The exhibit runs until June 25 in Corinthian Hall and is free to view. Tours of the exhibit are offered every 30 minutes from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday. For more information on Pueblo to Pueblo: The Legacy of Southwest Indian Pottery, visit the museum’s website at
Thursday, June 2
Northeast Farmers’ Market
The Northeast Farmers’ Market (3001 Independence Ave., KCMO 64124) will be open on Thursday, June 2, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. There will be a wide assortment of vegetables, fruit, eggs, meat, bread, and coffee.
Public hearing on payday lending rules
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has announced a public hearing on payday lending rules on June 2nd, beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Municipal Auditorium Complex Music Hall (301 West 13th Street Kansas City, MO 64105). Individuals must RSVP beforehand in order to get into the hearing.
Adult Thursday – Wii games
Come in to the North-East Public Library (6000 Wilson Rd) on Thursday at 10:00 a.m. to play Wii games with other adults.
Friday, June 3
Mattie Rhodes Center – Lucha Libre art event
The Mattie Rhodes Art Gallery (919 W. 17th St., KCMO) will host the opening night of its Lucha Libre community art event on Friday, June 3, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. This exhibit, entitled LUCHA LIBRE: Heroes, Mascaras, and Acrobats, will concentrate on the hero concept, anonymity and physicality of the Luchador/Wrestler found in Mexican professional wrestling and its growing popularity in U.S. pop culture. Opening night will offer guests an opportunity to create in the gallery with hands-on art activities for everyone, including printmaking, button making and more.
Knights of Columbus dinner/bingo night
The Knights of Columbus Cardinal Glennon Council #4613 will hold a dinner/bingo night on Friday, June 3 at St. Anthony’s St. Joseph Hall. Dinner will take place from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., and bingo will be from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Meal will include Italian sausage sandwiches and salad. Cost is $6 for adults for beef hot dogs or sausage sandwiches, $3 for hot dogs. Children get $1 off. Includes coffee; drinks and dessert also available.
Chair fitness
Join North-East Public Library at 9:30 a.m. for physical fitness. No matter what your limitations, maybe you can still reap the physical, mental and emotional benefits of exercise. This class is designed to give you a total body workout. Cardio, strength and flexibility exercises are all performed from a seated position.
Saturday, June 4
National Trails Day
Celebrate National Trails Day with KC Parks and Recreation on Saturday, June 4 by getting outside and snapping a picture of yourself, friends, family, and/or pets taking a walk, running, or riding bikes on any trail in Kansas City, Missouri. Hashtag the image #TrailsDayKC and post on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter for a chance to win a KCMO Prize Package. Pictures must be submitted by Monday, June 6 to be eligible for prizes.
Summer Reading Kick-off Party at North-East Library
Get Ready… Get Set… Read! Bike, run, or swim your way to the library for games, activities, crafts, and more on Saturday, June 4, beginning at 2:00 p.m. Join the North-East library for this fun and festive event for the whole family
Computer Class–general
Learn about navigating your computer in this class, which offers insight into hardware and software components. Class begins at 10:30 a.m. at the North-East Public Library.
Tour of Kansas City
The Tour of Kansas City bicycle race will be held along Cliff Drive on Saturday, June 4. Time trials begin in the morning, with circuit races scheduled to continue into the afternoon. There will also be a race watch party on Gooseneck Hill at Kessler Park.
Sunday, June 5
North-East Library book club
Come to the North East Book Group each month to share your passion for books and join in on riveting book discussions. This week’s book is Now We Can All Go Home by Northeast resident Catherine Browder. Browder will be present to discuss the book, along with Ben Furnish, editor of BkMk Press, which published the book. The event begins at 2:00 p.m.
Chess club
Join the Kings Club Youth Chess Team at 10 a.m. every Sunday at New Beginning Apostolic Church, 200 N. Bales Ave. All kids 3rd-12th grades are welcome. Contact Gaston Woodland (816- 977-0470) for more information.
Monday, June 6
Scarritt Renaissance Neighborhood Meeting
The next Scarritt Renaissance Neighborhood Association meeting will be held on Monday, June 6 at the Kansas City Museum (3218 Gladstone).
Tuesday, June 7
ESL Class
Join the North-East Public Library at 10 a.m. on Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, and Thursday’s to learn basic English skills: reading, writing, and conversation. No fee or books required.
Heart of America Shakespeare Festival
The 24th iteration of the Heart of America Shakespeare Festival will begin on Tuesday, June 14, with a performance of Twelfth Night at Southmoreland Park (Emanuel Cleaver II Boulevard and Oak Street). The festival will run through July 3.
Independence Plaza Council Monthly Meeting
Independence Plaza Council will host its monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 14, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Woodland Elementary School, 711 Woodland Ave., KCMO.
NEHS upcoming class reunions
The Northeast Class of 1986 will be hosting three-day event for their 30-year class reunion from June 9th to June 11th. The event will include a tour of Northeast HS, a meet and greet at John’s Big Deck, and the main event at Embassy Suites. Cost is $80. Email with questions.
Knights of Columbus breakfast
The Knights of Columbus Council #4613 and Council #15287 will host a breakfast on Sunday, June 19, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at St. Anthony’s St. Joseph Hall (3208 Lexington, KCMO). Cost is $5.50 for adults and $3 for children under 12 years old. Help the Knights of Columbus help others.