April 24, 2013
It was a big housecleaning weekend for two neighborhoods in Historic Northeast and the results could be seen throughout Kessler Park in the form of blue trash bags placed on the curb for city workers to pick up.
Both the Pendleton Heights and Scarritt Renaissance neighborhood held community work days last Saturday and a small army of volunteers scoured the woods along Cliff Drive, picking up litter, trash and thinning the invasive Honeysuckle. The Kansas City Disc Golf Club was well represented along Cliff Drive, clearing brush and making way for an expansion of the award-winning Cliff Drive Disc Golf Course. The Parks Department had crews out as well, lending support to the volunteers near the old reservoir. If you volunteered for last weekend’s massive clean up effort, stand up and give yourself a hand – you’re what makes Historic Northeast a great place to live. Oo-Rah!