Northeast News
September 2, 2015

Last week, the unthinkable happened.

Two television journalists were gunned down during a live show at a West Virginia water park by a disgruntled former employee with obvious anger management issues. While most every other media outlet in the country sent condolences to the families and staff of WDBJ, the station where the two worked, Yael Abouhalkah of The Star’s Editorial Board shamelessly took to Twitter on a Constitution shredding rant claiming that gun owners in America were ruining the country. Under the mantra of never letting a good tragedy go to waste, Abouhalkah screamed from the highest office at 1729 Grand that gun lovers are the very definition of evil incarnate.

This conservative news-dog has a question. What part of the verbiage in the second amendment of the constitution do you not understand? As we stated in our response to your despicable Twitter-skreed, this nut-ball wasn’t on anyone’s radar and obviously had issues far beyond what anyone comprehended. The truth is that the shooter just as easily would have acquired a machete or a knife had he not had access to a firearm to carry out his vengeance. Here’s a thought, instead of blaming the whole of society for this senseless and shocking murder, how about we blame the person responsible for this carnage. In what parallel universe do we blame the tool that was used instead of the one using it? That’s akin to blaming a pencil for misspelled words or blaming a hammer when it misses the nail.

This news-dealin’ pooch has had it with what passes for journalism in the pages of The Star and has cancelled the subscription for home delivery. At a time when every media outlet in the country should have offered condolences, Yael and The Star used the event as an opportunity to pathetically advance an agenda.
