Northeast News
August 26, 2015
Two recent resignations from the Missouri House have prompted some lawmakers to advocate for a dress code for college interns serving in the Missouri State Capitol.

The news-dog thinks that idea wreaks of blame the victim for the sins of some legislator frat boys who can’t keep their pants on, much less honor their wedding vows to their family back home. Posting cheeky pictures on social media of the happy family after the fact doesn’t get it senator. Cue the Tammy Wynett “Stand by Your Man” music and prepare to be sick.

Believe it or not, the dog actually agrees with some elected Democrats, including Senator Claire McCaskill and dope smoking State Rep. Jeremy LaFaver, that maybe instead of blaming the intern, we should hold accountable these grown men acting like fraternity boys on a three day bender over spring break. This conservative news writing pooch is ashamed to say the ones pushing this silliness are Republicans. Anyone remember former State Senator Matt Bartle who tried to legislate strip clubs out of existence a few years back because his boy asked him about an X-rated business advertised on a billboard along I-70? This dog sure does and the memories of Bartle aren’t kind ones.

Here’s the deal. It’s the state capitol for cryin’ out loud and there’s already an intern dress code in place, spelled out in detail in an official handbook which specifically outlines acceptable and non-acceptable behaviors and attire on page five. The booklet also contains a detailed process for dealing with sexual harassment on page 20. Note to these GOP types, maybe instead of trying to continue to legislate morality with some kind of misdirected knee-jerk reactionary blue ribbon task force, these do-gooder big government Republican types can introduce some legislation that addresses the generation of new jobs or lowers taxes for Missouri families. But where’s the fun in that, right?