Northeast News
November 20, 2013

What’s a million bucks among friends, right? It’s chump change. Walking around money. Just a drop in the bucket. But what happens when that fountain of cash dries up? What then. Between planes, trains and automobiles, this town is dropping serious cash on some gerrymandered transportation projects that will put the debt service for the city of Kansas City over the top.

As far as the airplanes, the mayor has loaded up a supposed bi-partisan, blue ribbon commission to study the need for a new airport, all of which is pushed by an aviation department director that for all intents and purposes is talkin’ out of both sides of his mouth. First he said it, then he didn’t, now he modifies the initial statement regarding what he exactly said, or didn’t say. Confused? This news canine sure is. We do know we don’t need to drop $2-billion on a new single terminal airport, especially given that is has continued to be rated in the top 10 by the people who use it.

As far as the trains go, well, this newshound made herself perfectly clear about that last week. We don’t need a boutique “upgrade” when buses can be converted to CNG for pennies on the streetcar dollar.

Now for the automobiles part, seems city officials want MoDOT to pony up some $200 million for the construction of a new Broadway Bridge. Seems the aging structure is now being compared to a rusting hulk that due to its proximity to downtown, causes daily traffic snarls during the morning and afternoon rush hour.  Think $200 million is too much? Well, the whole matter can be studied for a mere $2 million. A mere pittance, right? Going by this number crunchin’ canine, city officials are throwin’ enough money at studies of planes, trains and automobiles to fully fund some sizable infrastructure projects like sidewalks, curbs and GASP, street resurfacing (hint) in areas that could really use the attention. Sadly, however, there doesn’t seem to be much common sense at city hall these days and we certainly don’t expect some big epiphany on behalf of this mayor and city manager that would suddenly funnel those dollars to infrastructure improvements. Maybe it’s time to look at some pastureland outside the city limits, at least ’til someone reigns in the spending spree from the 29th floor.