July 20, 2011

When is a gas station not a gas station? When it’s an Inner City Oil Company-owned shack that dispenses convenience store items right across from the old Git-n-Go Liquor Store location that’s caught up in a Melba Curls promoted hot mess to bring yet another liquor store to Kansas City’s urban core in the name of economic development.

This newshound got curious and did some sniffing around at the Inner City Oil, non-gas station last week and low and behold it’s true – no gasoline is sold at the location. The store, however, does a brisk walk-in business in convenience items (the same ones the Saragusas are planning to sell right across the street).

We queried inside as to the last time gas was dispensed from the rusting pumps and were told about four to six weeks ago. However, the price displayed on the pump was $2.65/gallon. The last time gas was $2.65/gallon was in early December of 2010, almost seven months ago. So, with a “convenience” store on the southeast corner of Winner and Hardesty, and a convenience store a scant two blocks away at 12th and Hardesty that sells beer and liquor by the drink, why then are we even considering another “convenience” store at almost the same location? Follow the money. Eco Devo this ain’t.

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With temperatures hovering near the century mark, this cool li’l pooch wants to remind pet owners to make sure their pets have plenty of water and a shady place to get out of the burning sun. We’ve seen too many pets left chained to posts in the yard with no water or shelter. This is downright cruel, and irresponsible owners could be brought up on criminal charges if they mistreat their animals. Animals, like humans, require extra hydration and shelter when extreme temperatures are the norm. Use some common sense for cryin’ out loud!

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We hear there’s finally been some movement on the old Federal complex at Independence and Hardesty, which has sat dormant for lo these many years. The buyer from a few years back with grandiose plans defaulted on the sale when compliance with the EPA became too much of an issue. Apparently, the whole shebang went up on the auction blocks a few weeks ago. Bidding closed July 19 and at press time, the bid was up to $400,000. We’ll bring you all the hot details as they become available!