Water leaks, like this one along Northeast streets, wreak havoc when they freeze and cost tax payers money when left to run unchecked. Bunny the Newshound says it's time to overhaul the city's water department. Michael Bushnell

January 18, 2012

They’re everywhere. Up the street, around the corner, the next block. Everywhere throughout Kansas City’s urban core.

I’m not talking about panhandlers, who are a pain in their own right. I’m talking about water leaks that have run for months on end without being repaired.

This winter’s mild temperatures have probably lessened the load when it comes to water main breaks, which is a good thing. But when basic infrastructure maintenance, or lack thereof, causes water to drain in the public street for an extended period of time, it’s time to take a microscope to the city’s water department.

One Northeast resident who lives near 14th and Colorado said the leak in front of his house has been there almost 18 months, with little or no attention from the city in repairing the leak, which by the way is on the city’s side of the meter.

Another leak, near Independence Boulevard and the Paseo promises to be a real headache if and when the weather finally decides to turn cold for an extended period of time.

That leak has been there almost six months.

This li’l newshound has long called for a top to bottom re-organization of the water department based on the number of people and big machines it takes to dig a big hole and then stand around leaning on shovels watching one guy do all the work.

If this new mayor is interested in making an impact, maybe it’s time to stand this sorry excuse for a city department on its ear, start cutting the fat and fixing some of the leaks on city streets.