Northeast News Top Stories of 2024
Julia Williams Editor-in-Chief As 2024 comes to a close, The Northeast News reflects on its 92nd year of giving a voice to the Historic Northeast community. Northeast News staff has…
Julia Williams Editor-in-Chief As 2024 comes to a close, The Northeast News reflects on its 92nd year of giving a voice to the Historic Northeast community. Northeast News staff has…
Dorri Partain Managing Editor When the “father of the American Christmas card” needed art supplies for his young daughter, he launched a campaign to bring art instruction to all American school…
Dorri Partain Managing Editor Cool tools for school – useful for math and art classes too. The protractor was first used by mariners to create or read maps and navigational charts…
Dorri Partain Managing Editor During a road trip along the then-developing Interstate Highway System, our nation’s 36th First Lady was appalled at the number of billboards and junk yards that were…
Dorri Partain Managing Editor A sign perhaps more welcoming than an actual “Welcome” Sign. Early highway travelers had their work cut out for them when seeking any amenities we take for…
Dorri Partain Assistant Editor Nanu, nanu! Move over baseball cards, for collectable cards featuring television shows and movies. Commonly called trading cards or “bubble gum cards”, Topps Chewing Gum Co. began…
Dorri Partain Assistant Editor Who cut the cheese? And the butter and the egg? Following the American Industrial Revolution of the late 19th Century, inventors were busy devising all types of…
Dorri Partain Assistant Editor Following the attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, American citizens faced shortages of certain items. Whether these items were being shipped overseas to support the…
Dorri Partain Assistant Editor The Chiefs are going to the Super Bowl, baby! While those young ones who drink from baby bottles are more interested in the contents inside than the…
Dorri Partain Assistant Editor Savvy, modern day cooks may have a computer in their kitchen that stores all their favorite recipes and searches for new ones, but the Foley Kitchen Komputer…