June 13, 2012
What would a summer weekend in Northeast be without something being stolen or more gang graffiti getting thrown up on the side of a building?
At the Concourse over the weekend, an enterprising thief made off with a concrete park bench and one of its supports. Who steals a concrete bench, anyway? This comes on the heels of the picnic tables being stolen over the course of the last couple of weeks.
At this rate, the thieves should have the Concourse picked clean by the end of June, leaving residents to survey the barren landscape.
At St. John Avenue and Hardesty, the issue isn’t what’s missing; it’s what’s new in the paint department. Worse, the new gang tag has been sprayed all over the in-progress mural undertaken by the Indian Mound neighborhood on the old Half-A-Hill tavern. This newshound is relatively certain neither of these areas are in an officially defined “hot spot,” which means once again boys ‘n girls, we’re on our own to make sure justice is served. Keep those eyes peeled; it’s going to be a long, hot summer.