After hearing that Pendleton Arts Block resident Margarita Friedman, all 5 feet 2″ of her had started to personally to cut the grass on the North portion of Independence Plaza Park in preparation for the Tai Chi class she leads on Saturdays, Ambassadors with the Independence Avenue CID stepped up and filled in where the city’s Parks Department dropped the ball.

The park is the subject of increased attention recently, including this week’s Bunny the Newshound column targeting the I going lawlessness and drunken shenanigans of its defector “residents.”

Friedman’s Tai chi class is just one neighbor led effort to take the park back and make it a center for the community instead of a gathering place for drunks and transients.

“This is beautiful what they’re doing today”, she said. “This gives us a security in the beauty of the park itself, we want this to be a place for the neighborhood.”
Friedman’s Tai chi classes are Saturdays fro 8am to 9am in the northern portion of Independence Plaza Park at Independence Blvd. and Brooklyn.