Northeast News
August 12, 2015

Last week, after the inauguration of the Mayor and the new City Council, the lucrative committee assignment list was released and low and behold, all of the Mayor’s lapdog council people ended up with sweet committee assignments.

No surprise, under this bullish administration, those who were critical of the Mayor’s legacy project list were given less than desirable or no committee assignments at all. Those on the outs list include councilwomen Kathryn Shields and Teresa Loar. Newcomer and Northland conservative Heather Hall was also on that list. All of this political gamesmanship leaves this newsdog wondering, why the cold shoulder from Mayor James?

Not on that list is Councilwoman and former State Senator Jolie Justus, repping the Fourth District, the area where this pooch calls home. Given her inability to find our neighborhood on a good day, we’re not optimistic about the level of representation we’ll be receiving. Add to the fact that she’s quickly cozied up to the Mayor, we’re relatively certain she’s no champion of funding basic infrastructure needs like crumbling sidewalks and pockmarked city streets. All is not lost, however, as the three prodigal council-ladies have all started crashing committee meetings in order to stay abreast of current council activities much to the chagrin of the Mayor. Fortunately for their constituencies, these three political veterans aren’t afraid of ruffling some feathers in order to more effectively do their jobs. This political pooch says kudos for essentially stickin’ a thumb in the Mayor’s eye and sayin’ we’re sick of the bullying gamesmanship, as well as your laundry list of tax and spend legacy projects. This newsdog calls that reppin’ like a BOSS!