On Sat., May 1, COVID-19 vaccinations will be available to the community at Northeast High School, 415 N. Van Brunt Blvd.
“We’re partnering with the city,” Clinical Pharmacist Billy Smith said. “The City has been trying to get vaccine to different parts of the urban core, parts that might be in higher need of it.”
The City just wrapped up a nine week partnership with YMCA to administer vaccines at those sites, but when Smith, a resident of Northeast, saw appointment times weren’t being filled up quickly for the Northeast High School vaccine site, he posted on social media and reached out to the Northeast News.
Over 300 vaccine appointments are available on Saturday, but only about 40 people have signed up for the one day event.
Those who have not yet received their vaccine can call 1-833-886-0023 to schedule an appointment. The clinic will be held in the gymnasium from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The Pfizer vaccine will be administered, and it is completely free. The clinic will return on May 22 to administer second doses of the vaccine.