Northeast News
March 29, 2017
KANSAS CITY, Missouri – The Kansas City Museum will host an open house tonight from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and to commemorate the occasion, Kansas City Museum Executive Director Anna Marie Tutera joined Northeast News managing editor Paul Thompson for an episode of the Northeast Newscast.
Tutera talks about the March 29 open house (where the public can learn about the multi-million dollar renovation and restoration of Corinthian Hall), what should most excite the public about the project, the return of the Museum’s once-iconic soda fountain, a promotional video that the public will be asked to participate in, and how the Making a Museum capital campaign is progressing. They’ll also touch on the $800 million General Obligation Bond package, the repercussions if Question 3 of the bond measure fails at the ballot box, how Tutera is sleeping at night, and finally, a story about R.A. Long’s English gardens.
To prepare for the meeting, or to catch up if you can’t attend, check out the podcast below:
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