On Tuesday, March 12, near Independence Avenue and Cypress, two of the
Independence Avenue Community Improvement District’s Avenue Ambassadors
were approached by a woman who was clearly in distress after being accosted
by a man who attempted to lure her into his private vehicle. The woman resisted
and the suspect threw a glass bottle at the woman, missing her head by inches.
Avenue Ambassadors Adrian (left) and Butch approached the woman and
attempted to communicate with her as she spoke almost no English. Butch and
Adrian was able to accompany the woman to KC Care Health Clinic where a
staffer there who spoke Spanish was able to communicate with the woman and
offer a safe space to wait until the woman’s husband arrived to take her home.
Kudos to Adrian, Butch, and the team at KC Care Health Clinic for their swift
actions in averting what could have been a tragic ending for one person.