April 13, 2011

This news sniffin’ canine just learned that Northeast native Maria “Lovey” Kline (Palombi) was elected Mayor of Gower, Mo., (population 1,399), just outside of St. Joseph, Mo.  Klein, who garnered 118 votes, ran on a youth activity ticket, beating her nearest opponent by 25 votes. We’re pretty sure she’ll make Northeast proud!

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We’ve learned also that the local Aim4Peace Rent-a-mob was recently given a $500 grant to perpetuate more hot dog and T-shirt giveaways in the killing zone. An interesting twist to the donation is the cash comes from an NAACP chapter comprised entirely of inmates at the Algoa Correctional Facility in Jefferson City, Mo.

Our bet is if these inmates knew their money was going to buy giveaways for sign totin’, rented mobs who storm neighborhoods with bull-horns, scaring the daylights out of area residents, they’d think twice before donating their hard-earned plate punchin’ wages. Make no mistake – this decrepit program is a Wayne Cauthen holdover that needs to be de-funded by the newly seated city council as quickly as possible, especially given it’s done nothing to quell the spiraling homicide rate in the urban core.

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If you noticed something different about last week’s Northeast News print edition, you’re not alone.

Effective last week, we’re printing at The Sedalia Democrat’s commercial print shop. If you liked what you saw, let us know.