As of Thursday, Feb. 18, Missouri opened vaccination eligibility to Phase 1A, Phase 1B – Tier 1 and Tier 2.
“Missouri continues to make great strides in administering the vaccine across the state,” Governor Parson said. “As supply continues to gradually increase, more and more Missourians will have an opportunity to receive a vaccine. However, it is important to remain patient and understand that the demand for vaccines will still far outweigh supply for some time.”
Phase 1B – Tier 1 includes:
- Public Health Administrators and Staff
- Law Enforcement
- Fire Services
- Corrections
- Emergency Management
- Public Works
- Emergency Services
Phase 1B – Tier 2 includes:
- Anyone 65 and older
- Any adults with:
- Cancer
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Heart Conditions
- Weakened immune system due to organ transplant
- Severe obesity (BMI >40)
- Pregnancy
- Sickle Cell Disease
- Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities such as Down Syndrome
Phase 1B – Tier 3, which has not opened yet, includes:
- Education (K-12)
- Childcare
- Communications Infrastructure
- Dams Sector
- Energy Sector
- Food & Agriculture Sector 1
- Government
- Information Technology
- Nuclear Reactor Sector
- Transportation Systems
- Water and Wastewater Systems
According to a tweet from Governor Mike Parson, this means around three million Missourians, nearly half the population of the state, are currently eligible for the vaccine.
Currently, the state’s COVID-19 website reports 666,430 Missourians have received at least one dose, about 11% of the state’s population, and 273,380 have received a second dose.
An estimated 7.8% of Jackson County’s 703,011 residents have received at least one vaccine dose. This means that 55,071 first doses have been administered. In total, 80,968 doses have been administered.
At the start of this week, approximately 1,115,100 first and second vaccine doses had been shipped to Missouri. Please note that the number of vaccines shipped does not equate to the number of vaccines received by state vaccinators. The 1,115,100 vaccines shipped includes doses allocated to CVS and Walgreens through the federal pharmacy partnership to vaccinate residents and staff at long-term care facilities. Of these doses, 79.5 percent have been reported as administered.
Excluding vaccines shipped to CVS and Walgreens, 903,700 first and second doses have been shipped to Missouri vaccinators as of February 16. Of these doses, 86.2 percent have been reported as administered.
The state also continues to move forward with regional mass vaccination events. To date, the Missouri National Guard, Department of Health and Senior Services, State Emergency Management Agency, and local health care partners have completed 27 mass vaccination clinics across the state. More than 50,000 Missourians have received an initial vaccine dose at one of these events.
Targeted vaccination teams are also fully operational in St. Louis and Kansas City, a release from the governor’s office said. After the first round of events, these four man teams have administered more than 2,000 initial doses in Kansas City and St. Louis. These vaccines have gone to vulnerable populations in communities with limited access to health care.
Additional information, answers to frequently asked questions and resources can be found at https://covidvaccine.mo.gov/facts/.