Northeast News
September 20, 2011

(Editor’s Note: Kansas City Mayor Sly James and Kansas City, Missouri School District Interim Superintendent Dr. Stephen Green have released a joint letter regarding KCMSD’s accreditation. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is expected to vote on KCMSD’s accreditation status today. Below is their letter).

“On Tuesday, the State Board of Education will vote to determine if the Kansas City, Missouri School District will remain provisionally accredited or will fall to unaccredited status. While we remain hopeful that the district will remain provisionally accredited, there are no illusions that unaccredited status very likely could be the determination handed down by the State Board of Education. This would be disappointing but not wholly unexpected. However, the conversation should not be about accreditation it should be about educating the students of Kansas City.

“Over the last two years, the school district has made tremendous strides in its fiscal and operational management. The district went through a difficult right-sizing, and needed, but often unpopular, decisions were not only made but supported to ensure that the district did not only avoid bankruptcy but began operating in an efficient and effective manner.

“Beyond improving operations, this community came together and developed a Strategic Plan to guide the work of the school district. A plan that is owned by the citizens of our community; a plan that is focused on doing what is best for our children.  In recent years, our community has taken ownership of our children’s well-being.  The Strategic Plan for the school district is an extension of those efforts.

“The events of the last three weeks, and next week’s announcement by the State Board, focuses on adults and adult issues. We must remain focused on the students of the district and ensuring that they receive the education each deserves. The Superintendent is charged with facilitating the Strategic Plan for the benefit of the community’s youth.

“Our students deserve quality schools and we cannot stand by and watch yet another generation of students be neglected by what others perceive as a crumbling education system in the KCMSD. The reality could not be further from that perception as the district is populated with quality teachers, administrators and staff committed to providing every child an excellent education.

“We have a community that sees and believes in the potential of the district and the crucial role the school system plays in the future success of the city. This District, and this City, began down a road of transformation together and that journey continues. The foundation has been put in place. Now that the district is on stable fiscal and operational ground, we must have a laser-like focus on student achievement and provide quality education in every classroom and school in the district.

“As Mayor of the City and Superintendent of the KCMSD, we are committed to working together and leading the collaborative efforts necessary to foster widespread student achievement.  Our community’s dedication to the Kansas City, Missouri Public Schools is a reflection of its commitment to our children and our future prosperity.  We must send a clear message to our children that they are valued and their community believes in their potential, regardless of the label attached to the district.

“The decision in Jefferson City on Tuesday may change a label and the perspective of people looking in from the outside, but it does not change the vision, mission or goals of the district. Wednesday morning, the buses will arrive, the bell will ring, and students will come ready to learn. Administrators, teachers, and staff will be there ready to teach and poised to continue to move the district forward.  It is our hope that our community will be ready to support the children of the district as we move forward, regardless of what decision is reached by the State Board of Education Tuesday.”