EllieAna Hale
Community Engagement Intern & Reporter
In the core of Kansas City’s Historic Northeast is the Lykins Neighborhood—a vibrant and diverse yet predominantly low-income community represented with resilience and growth.
At its center stands the Lykins Neighborhood Association (LNA), an organization deeply committed to serving its residents, led by its Executive Director.
The Lykins Neighborhood Association is seeking to hire a new executive director in the coming weeks.
The role demands versatility, compassion, and an unwavering dedication to the community’s well-being.
The Executive Director’s responsibilities span far and wide, from spearheading strategic initiatives to rolling up sleeves for neighborhood clean-ups.
The Lykins mission represents inclusivity and representation. The diverse voices of Lykins, from immigrants and refugees to long-time residents, are not just heard but amplified.
Through door-to-door outreach, neighborhood liaisons, and robust communication strategies, the Executive Director ensures that every voice finds its place at the table.
With a starting salary of $50,000, the role involves everything from fundraising to community engagement.
The Executive Director ensures everyone’s voice is heard, especially those often overlooked,.
For more information or to apply for this position, readers can reach out to neighborhoodlykins@gmail.com or visit there website at https://www.lykinsneighborhood.com