Northeast News
October 12, 2011

You don’t have to attend a mundane meeting to voice your input on Kansas City’s upcoming budget.

City officials say all you need is a computer with Internet access.

Kansas Citians are encouraged to log on to the newly launched, an interactive website, to share their opinions on how the City of Kansas City should prioritize next fiscal year’s budget.

We are listening to these online discussions and encouraging all civic minded individuals to engage in the process and help us shape the future of the city, Kansas City Mayor Sly James said.

Those who have used have provided great suggestions, but we want to hear from as many corners of the city as possible, City of Kansas City Council member Jan Marcason said, This is the people’s budget and we want their input as we strive to improve how the city serves its residents with a limited revenue stream.

Current budget topics on the website include public safety, healthy community, infrastructure improvement, neighborhood livability and budget priorities including best city activities, elimination of programs or services and new programs or services.