Northeast News
October 5, 2011

The City of Kansas City is continuing to host meetings regarding the future location of the East Patrol Division and crime lab police campus.

The $57 million project will cover a four block area between 26th and 27th Streets and Brooklyn and Prospect Avenues.

Funded by the Public Safety Sales Tax, the project is a collaborative effort between the City of Kansas City and the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department. The team’s first initiative included a house-to-house canvass of the area to notify residents about the property acquisition process followed by a series of public meetings held Sept. 7.

A public information workshop to inform affected property owners and tenants will coincide with the upcoming 3rd District meeting at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10, at Gregg Klice Community Center, 1600 E. 17th Terrace.

Information will include maps of the project area, timeline for the project and the relocation and appraisal process. Discussion will also include possible economic development plans for the area.

“My commitment to the citizens of this district, and especially the neighborhood most affected by this project, is to work tirelessly to be sure that people receive fair market value and are given a place at the table for this milestone $60 million project in the heart of the eastside,” 3rd District City Council member Jermaine Reed said. “Council member (Melba) Curls and I will make sure that property owners are justly compensated, and additional funds will be provided for long-time residents, and to help relocate everyone who resides there. Generations of families have grown up on these tree-lined streets, and they deserve to be treated with the greatest respect and compensated appropriately.”