March 28, 2012

Last week in the pages of the Northeast News, political cartoonist extraordinaire ElBryan really set off a maelstrom of comments from the area home schooler crowd with his satirical depiction of a typical home school day. Home school driver’s education, home school fire drill and so on.

We truly appreciate all of those who took time to weigh in on the cartoon.

Every letter in regard to the cartoon took us to task for running what some dubbed as reprehensible or in poor taste.

Some even promised, if an apology wasn’t issued, to boycott advertisers in the Northeast News.

Before a full-on boycott is organized, it may be wise to note that ElBryan’s cartoons are, by design, drawn to incite action or opinion on one side of an issue or another.

While they may not reflect the opinions of the ownership and management down here at The House of News, the cartoon last week did its job – in a grand fashion.

We always welcome your letters regarding issues or stories printed in our publication so please keep those cards letters and emails coming!