February 15, 2012

This savvy li’l newshound doesn’t usually get into the sour grapes aspect of potential advertisers who don’t choose to use our publication. It’s a choice businesses make to either utilize community newspapers for their paid ad message, or they don’t. Some community weeklies even go so far as to publish a list of businesses who don’t advertise, so readers know where not to shop. Normally, we wouldn’t do that. But then again, we don’t lay down when someone throws dirt on our neighborhood – nor should we.

When we made an ad pitch to the hi-hats at the swanky new casino out at the racetrack, we were soundly re-buffed and told that the median income of our loyal readership didn’t meet their “minimum requirements” and our “audience composition” wasn’t what they were looking for. Audience composition? What that means faithful Northeast News readers is that your money isn’t green enough or good enough for the hot-shot, stiff collars running the new gambling parlor out at the racetrack.

This news gathering newshound would like to offer up a “shop local” alternative, say for example patronizing the advertisers who care enough to spend their hard-earned ad dollars with the community newspaper that has served the Northeast community for 80 years. Apparently the pages of this newspaper sure are good enough for their press releases, but those same pages aren’t good enough for their ad dollars. This newspaper will continue to support those businesses that support our community and its newspaper.