Northeast News
February 29, 2012

Frontier School of Excellence students earned several awards during the Eighth Annual Youth Technology Fair held Feb. 20 at Southeast Community Center.

This year’s theme was Pathway to STEM Excellence and 12 Frontier students entered projects, vying for an award.

Open to first through 12th graders, this year’s fair included technology demonstrations, a robotics competition and science-related displays. The purpose of the competition is to encourage students to use the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) disciplines, critical thinking and their imagination to create a vision through invention and/or investigation.

“We highly encourage our students at Frontier to participate in STEM-related activities and exhibitions, and we’re always proud of their hard work and determination,” said Ismet Sean Isik, superintendent of the Frontier School System.

Four Frontier School of Excellence students received awards in the following categories:

Junior Division – Middle School Level:

•1st place – Malek Looney, 7th grade

Senior Division – High School Level:

•1st place: Richard Cole, 10th grade

•2nd place: Victoria Cole, 9th grade

•3rd place: Nadeem Vora, 10th grade

“We are very proud of our students,” Isik said, “and also want to congratulate Frontier’s math and science departments for their support.”