The Kansas City Election Board (KCEB) is currently in the process of redrawing subdistricts for the KCPS Board of Directors. KCEB has been designated by statute to serve as the redistricting commission for Kansas City Public Schools. The Board of Commissioners, sitting as the redistricting commission, is responsible to redistrict the Kansas City Public School Board of Directors subdistricts based on the results of the 2020 Census.
KCPS went through redistricting more recently, in 2018. At that time, the district had to reduce the number of directors from 9 to 7 because of state statute. The school board will continue to have seven members moving forward. KCPS elects five directors by subdistrict and two at-large.
KCEB will hold three public hearings in the coming weeks to gather feedback on the election maps. The district encourages the public to attend.
Friday, Oct. 15 – 12 p.m. Redistricting public hearing at the Board of Education or virtual. Current maps with population changes presented to gather feedback for development of sample maps.
Thursday, Oct. 21 – 6 p.m. Redistricting public hearing, Board of Education or virtual. Present five sample maps to public.
Monday, Nov. 1 – All maps are due by midnight.
Tuesday, Nov. 2 – 6 p.m. Redistricting public hearing, Board of Education or virtual. Final three maps presented to public.
Friday, Nov. 12 – 12 p.m., KCEB meeting. KCEB votes on final map.
Redistricting Maps will be available by email (KCPSredistricting@KCEB.org) and on KCEB.org website.