Northeast News
Feb. 10, 2010

At the Northeast Community Action Network planning meeting this past Tuesday, suggestions were submitted for a CAN Center location. The group also selected a CAN Facility Research Committee to look into these locations and bring back a report at the next meeting, Feb. 16.

The considerations the group will look at for a space include the following:

• Free for first two years.

• Accessibility.

• Central location.

• Visibility.

• Structurally sound.

• Parking.

• Adequate space for an office with phone, computers, fax machine and copier and two separate meeting spaces.

The list of suggested locations for the center include the Post Office building at 2657 E. Independence Ave.; Northeast Presbyterian Church, 301 Van Brunt Blvd.; Sheffield Family Life Center, 5700 Winner Road; former Animal Hospital, 3400 block of East Independence Avenue; Rios de Auga Viva, 3200 E. Independence Ave.; former jewelry store, 2700 block of East Independence Avenue; Thatcher School, 4904 E. Independence Ave.; St. Paul School of Theology, 5123 E. Truman Road; Industrial Medical Center, 5811 E. Truman Road; and NorthEastminster Presbyterian Church, 301 S. Van Brunt Blvd.

The Northeast CAN Facility Research Committee is comprised of Bobbi Baker-Hughes, Lee Lambert, Jason Cooley, Nate Pare, Mike Frisch, John Wood and a University of Missouri-Kansas City student.

All are welcome at the 3 p.m. meeting on Feb. 16 to discuss these locations.