March 16, 2011

Spring is almost here and it’s becoming more evident by the illegally parked cars at Super Flea. Shoppers who don’t want to hoof it across St. John are once again tearing up the public easement along Belmont Boulevard. Parking vehicles on the grass parkway often blocks the sidewalk, forcing pedestrians to walk in the street.

Given these offenses took place on the weekend, this li’l pooch is relatively certain the police department’s parking control officers are not on duty to write tickets for said offenses.

If they were, the hue and cry would come up about persecuting against poor immigrants. Oddly, that kind of bile seems to hold water with the current police chief, especially given his judge and jury stance on panhandling laws. So much for being a nation of laws, huh?

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This li’l canine got a hot tip the other week from local plumbing king Dennis Hammontree of H&H Plumbing.

It seems some mailers are hitting area houses touting water line insurance. Don’t be duped, says Mr. H., who deftly notes that most of the houses in the neighborhood have already had a water service upgrade from the city, making the coverage unnecessary for many folks.

“Do your homework,” says Hammontree, who pulls close to $400 in permits for service replacement gigs supposedly covered by the insurance.

Phineas T. Barnum once said, “There’s a sucker born every minute,” and this nosey news hound would advise some homework before shelling out any additional cash in this economy for something you probably won’t or don’t need.

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This li’l pooch attended the Northeast Community Center ground breaking ceremony Monday and was impressed with one local business, Jose Fiestas Rentals.

The owners of the business, the Cabrera family, read last week’s article about the ceremony and decided to offer their services by providing a free tent and chairs for the event.

They also watched the weather forecast this past weekend and set up the tent and chairs the day before, so attendees could congregate on dry, snow-free ground.

Plaudits to Jose Fiestas Rentals!

We encourage others in NE to follow the Cabrera’s lead.

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Kansas City has released the newly drawn city council districts. Check them out at here.