Special to Northeast News
Oct. 20, 2010

The city of Kansas City, Mo., is issuing a reminder to owners of vacant and foreclosing property located in the city that they must renew or establish annual registration of these properties with the city’s Neighborhood and Community Services Department.

Annual registration of these properties is part of the Registration and Inspection Program established by the City Council, which passed in February 2009.

“If there has been a crime committed on the property or if there are code violations, it is critical for the Kansas City Police Department and the City of Kansas City to have a local point of contact who can take action to protect these properties and surrounding neighborhood,” said David Park, director of Neighborhood and Community Services.

All vacant properties must be registered within 90 days of becoming vacant. Failure to do so will result in a $50 administrative citation fine. For each month that a property is not registered, an additional $50 fee will be assessed.

Registration is required on an annual basis and will expire each May 1. The registration must be updated whenever the property status or contact information changes. For example, the registration will need to be revised if a property is sold or if a new property manager is hired.

Foreclosing properties must be registered within 14 days of the foreclosure.

Online registration is available at www.kcmo.org/vacant.