Dorri Partain 
Managing Editor 

It was “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” when Apollo 11 landed on the moon — and a grand opportunity to create all levels of commemorative items to mark this occasion.

Following liftoff  July 16, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins entered a journey into space that would last 195 hours,18 minutes and 35 seconds — with the culmination of landing the lunar module on the moon. Command module pilot Collins orbited the moon, while Armstrong and Aldrin navigated and landed their craft — the Eagle — on the surface of the moon  July 20.

Armstrong and Aldrin spent 21 hours on the moon’s surface, which included a 2 ½ hour exploration to walk, take photos, gather samples and plant the American flag, before lifting off to safely reconnect with the command module and return to earth. The Apollo 11 capsule splashed down in the Pacific Ocean  July 24, 1969, as Americans and enthusiasts around the world cheered this accomplishment.

Written and illustrated by multiple contributors, “We Came in Peace; The Story of Man in Space,” was published in September 1969. Within its 77 pages, this book’s eight chapters offer general information about the Apollo program, the history of rocketry, the solar system and a transcript between NASA’s ground control and the Eagle’s crew during their lunar landing.

Published by Classic Press of San Rafael, Calif., this book was distributed and offered to customers by the Gulf Oil Company. Its publication was promoted in a commercial featuring television producer Rod Serling (1924-1975), during which he states that this collectable edition  “tells you the full story of one of man’s greatest achievements, clearly, simply, completely”.

“We Came in Peace” was only available at Gulf Oil service stations and priced at $1.00.

The Apollo program ended when Apollo 17 splashed down Dec. 12, 1972.