June 8, 2011

This li’l pooch is starting to wonder about the KCMSD repurposing effort for a variety of reasons.

After Thacher School burned during a February blizzard, it was learned that when fire crews arrived to fight the blaze, most every egress to the building was unsecured.

Now, with the purposeful burning of the old Manchester School, questions re-surface as to the accessibility of that structure to vandals and arsonists and KCMSD’s lack of attention to detail in making sure its un-used buildings are secure from unwanted entry.

With two arson fires thus far this year set in abandoned KCMSD structures, it sure makes this pooch wonder just exactly what “re-purposing” means.

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This news pooch was saddened to learn of the untimely passing of Riverside, Mo., Police Officer Jeff Taylor, who passed away last week after being struck by lightning while assisting with the Joplin, Mo., recovery effort.

A trust fund has been established at the KCPD Credit Union to aid with the family’s expenses.

Our thoughts go out to all the first responders who put their lives in peril for the safety of the citizenry.