Northeast News
May 4, 2016
Forgotten Northeast good neighbor,
Barbara and I lived in the north end in the ’60s and theNortheast Newswas our local paper. The only time we used the publication was during election time for political ads or occasionally to check a want ad. News should have not been in their name, it was just an “ad rag.” Later, when we moved to Gladstone Boulevard, we were so frustrated that we decided to do something. In the mid-80s we got together with some other concerned citizens, and created a real newspaper,The Northeast World. All of NE was pleased and excited with our first edition. But reality soon set in, as we found that we could not operate this kind of paper and compete with theNortheast Newsfor the same ad dollars. We faced a choice: either we could lower our standards or close down our belovedWorld. The rest as-they-say is history, and Northeast returned to a one-paper town in 1988. For us it was an expensive and disheartening experience. To our great disdain we were forced to live with the ad rag.
Our prayers however were answered ten years later in July of 1998, when theNortheast Newswas purchased by Michael Bushnell and his wife Chris. Their goal: convert the paper to a real, editorially driven neighborhood news source. It was an ambitious goal. Mike and his associates went on to completely re-create the newspaper, and by year’s end, they met their goal and even surpassed it-adding not just the news but many interesting items as well. Some of the new items are the almanac, the inspirational quotes, political cartoons, the postcards (my favorite), and other important stories, all done without extra income!
It has been great to see so many letters to the editor praising the good NE citizens. Mike was very involved in the neighborhood, fighting for us and investigating the city, the county, anything that affected our area. He would have “Bunny the newshound” do tough editorials. Although I did not always agree with the editorials they brought attention to a problem, and often brought about a solution. He also had the courage to print letters that disagreed with him. Sadly though, I do not recall anyone praising Mike and staff for their extra efforts.
I think we should thank our lucky stars that Michael and Chris Bushnell took the huge gamble to purchase the “ad rag” and make it a real newspaper. I, for one, am very pleased and gratified with the work he has done. Barbara and I knew firsthand the challenge he took on and was successful. He has also welcomed our new Hispanic neighbors into the community by adding a Spanish language section to the paper. I think they have been great neighbors, and have helped to save our area.
A grateful NE citizen,
Tony Abbott