Northeast News
March 23, 2016

Dear Editor,

A few comments in response to your editorial “Keepin’ it classy Kansas City.” First of all, our country has a long history of those who are not negatively affected by someone’s oppressive rhetoric and actions, thinking they have the privilege to decide how those who are negatively affected respond or don’t respond to the hate directed toward them. Such privilege belongs to those affected by the hate, not the other way around. Energy by those unaffected is better spent on silencing the oppressor, thus negating the need for protests in the first place.

Secondly, we’re wondering if our city council and police were afraid to face the facts about the protest, not the tall tale that has been circulating. The KC Star reported that they postponed the meeting to discuss the police’s response to protesters, only to then report that no protesters showed up to the meeting that was reported as cancelled. Now, that is something to write an editorial about! Not sure why you chose to publish your own wildly distorted version of what happened when you acknowledge you weren’t there, not very classy journalism.

Furthermore, we find it comical that you added MLK to your response. Even a partial reading of his history would indicate he was definitely with the protesters in spirit. On final note, only fear would drive someone like Trump and his supporters to make outlandish racist and sexist comments. Exposure therapy is a good way to treat paranoia. Thankfully, our neighborhood is filled with opportunities to get to know the folks Trump fears. Getting to know our neighbors will calm fears by silencing stereotypes, thus making our nation a great place for all to live.


Amy & Gary Hansen-Malek

Northeast residents