Northeast News
August 22, 2012 

Blue Valley Park will be filled with activity this Sunday, Aug. 26, thanks to the Penny Mill Incorporated Community Resource Awareness Fair.

Penny Mill, a non-profit organization, aims to connect those in need with community resources that can provide assistance.

Sunday’s free fair at 23rd and Topping will include a number of activities, including horse rides, games, giveaways, face painting, a performance by the Kansas City Marching Falcons Drillteam, among other entertainment.

Penny Mill Founder Melvin Merritt said he hopes the event will bridge the cultural and racial divide in the urban core, as well as connect the community to needed resources.

“We need to be concerned with what’s taking place and we can make a difference by changing our thinking,” Merritt said. “We can make a difference in our community by doing something different other than the status quo… bring light to your own community – the smallest things can be the greatest things.”

A number of community organizations will attend, including the Full Employment Council, the Kansas City VA Medical Center, among others.

Kansas City Police Department’s Mounted Patrol and other officers will also be present. One of the highlights will be KCPD’s helicopter demonstration, Merritt said.

In addition to special speakers, the event will feature the sounds of the Kansas City-based Tekila Band, a five-person band that combines rock, classic rock, Latin rock and rhythm and blues.

Also on the schedule are poetry readings and Rex Purefoy, who will show off

his trick roping, gun twirling and horse trick talents.

Merritt encourages all to attend the event.

“Support something positive in your community,” Merritt said. “This is something for all people; come out.”

For more information about Penny Mill Inc.,