Northeast News
August 15, 2012

Organizing for America is making voter registration for Kansas City residents a little easier.

Founded by President Barack Obama, the grassroots organization is utilizing volunteers to help Kansas Citians register to vote at local libraries, grocery stores and other local entities.

Since July, volunteers have been visiting North-East Public Library and providing voter registration forms to area residents.

“The voter registration is non-partisn; we just want to get people registered to vote,” said Carolyn Scott, Organizing for America neighborhood team leader for House District 19.

The goal is to make voter registration more accessible and to encourage citizens to vote.

“If people have access to voter registration, they’re more likely to register to vote,” Scott said.

Organizing for America will be at the North-East Public Library, 6000 Wilson Rd., every Monday, Thursday and Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. through Oct. 8. Residents can fill out a voter registration form and Organizing for America will deliver the forms to the local election board.