Northeast News
October 8, 2014

KANSAS CITY, Missouri – Last week at the Missouri Press Association’s convention, newspapers from across the state were recognized for excellence in journalism and The Northeast News was not left out.

The Northeast News was once again recognized for excellence in three categories. Former editor Leslie Collins and former art director Bryan Jordan secured a second place award in the Weeklies Class 3 category, Best Photo Package that showcased last year’s Northeast Chalk Walk. Political satirist Bryan Stalder secured both a first place award and a third place award in the Weeklies Class 3 category for his political cartoons. The First Place award was for a cartoon lampooning the folly of the city’s new streetcar system.

“We’re extremely proud to be recognized by our peers for the work we do in our community” Michael Bushnell, publisher of the Northeast News, said. “It’s a responsibility we take very seriously.”