I just wanted to express my deepest admiration for the Northeast News and your dedication to serving your community.

I grew up in Northeast on North Oakley. Went to school at Holy Cross. Left there in 1980 for the Navy and have lived in 9 different cities and 5 different states since. But I have never lost my affection for the area and the streets I grew up on.

I check your website frequently to see what is going on in the old neighborhood. I think I appreciate more than most both the challenges the neighborhood has faced and the unique historic role it has played and continues to play in the greater Kansas City story.

Throughout all the changes the Northeast News has been a constant voice for the community you serve. Thank you for your dedication to that mission and best wishes for a neighborhood that deserves to be an important part of Kansas City.

Well done to you and best wishes for the residents of the Historic Northeast.

Tim Ross
Norfolk VA