As the old saying goes, ya win some, ya lose some. There were big winners last Tuesday thanks to the four Jackson County questions that promised hefty salary increases for a few elected officials. Clearly the big winners were:

Jackson County Sheriff Daryl Forte, Old salary: $103,771. New salary: $158,848.
Jackson County Executive Frank White. Old salary $145,350. New salary: $158,848.
County Prosecutor Jean Peters-Baker. Old salary: $133,342. New salary: $158,848.
Jackson County Legislators, old salary: $34,881. New salary: $49,907. Keep in mind this increase is times nine.
The big losers are Jackson County taxpayers who are on the hook for $229,625 in annual salary increases for a dozen, high level, County-elected officials. Given the median family income in Jackson County is a little over $49,000. This Dog thinks these highly paid brass-hats need to re-think takin’ that extra money.