Northeast News
January 14, 2015

Feelin’ picked on? Singled out? This crafty news-pooch has learned that a number of small business owners along Independence Avenue have been issued citations by the city for illegal signage. We’re not talking about monster, computer programmed mega billboards or hastily scrawled, spray painted bed-sheets hung up like someone’s laundry. Oh no. What this lil’ doggie is talking about are the small, plastic A-Frame signs that sit on the public sidewalk. For the record, the city inspectors issuing these costly citations aren’t singling out small businesses. With the caseload these inspectors carry, they’re not drivin’ down the street lookin’ for extra work.

According to folks this doggie has spoken with, someone out there has an axe to grind and is calling the city’s action center to start the complaint process. While, technically, placing a sign on the public right of way is not permitted, this news minded pooch thinks the time of city inspectors could be better spent chasing bigger scofflaws. That said, however, the situation creates an opportunity for the Northeast Kansas City Chamber of Commerce and the Independence Avenue Community Improvement District.

Both have long championed “appropriate signage” over the spray painted “signs” some use. This feisty news-dog thinks maybe the CID and the Chamber could have a sit-down with the powers that be at City Hall and craft an exemption for small businesses along The Avenue who can nary afford upwards of $10,000 for noticeable sign. A-frame signs on the sidewalk are inexpensive and don’t distract from the landscape due to their small footprint. As for the axe-grinder stirrin’ up all this hub bub, clearly, too much time on their hands. Maybe instead of makin’ busy-work for city inspectors, you could pick up a broom and a rake and make Historic Northeast a nice place to live.