Northeast News
July 24, 2013
Union Station Kansas City, Inc. (USKC), the entity in charge of Kansas City Museum operations, has issued a statement regarding the push to sever ties from the Kansas City Museum.
In 2007, the city of Kansas City entered into a 20-year contract with USKC to oversee the operations of the Kansas City Museum. Thirteen years remain on the contract.
“Union Station is in full compliance with the terms of the contract, and the City does not have the right to terminate the management contract without the agreement of Union Station,” USKC said in a statement. “Nevertheless, for over a year, Union Station has expressed to the City its willingness to allow another party, approved by the City, to manage and program Corinthian Hall.”
USKC said it would be willing to step aside as long as it has assurance that both the collections owned by Union Station and the city will be properly maintained and preserved. In addition, USKC said it would be willing to work with the city on transferring management, operating and programming of the Kansas City Museum to the new city-designated entity.
“Union Station remains fully committed to the conservation of the substantial collection in our custody. We’ll continue to carry out the city’s objectives for the Kansas City Museum and Corinthian Hall under our long-term contract with the city,” George Guastello, Union Station president and chief executive officer, said in a statement.
Jerry Baber, Union Station executive vice president and chief operating officer, said USKC will continue to provide programming like it has in the past to keep the mission of the Kansas City Museum alive in the community.