Vuelve el KC STEM Fest
Daisy Garcia -Montoya Reportero deeducación Las escuelas de Frontier se están preparando para su próximo festival anual KC STEM Fest. El festival de un día tendrá lugar en Union Station el…
Daisy Garcia -Montoya Reportero deeducación Las escuelas de Frontier se están preparando para su próximo festival anual KC STEM Fest. El festival de un día tendrá lugar en Union Station el…
Grime: The Independence Avenue Community Improvement District (CID) Urban Street Ambassador (USA) teams are actively involved in beautification efforts, such as creating Monarch butterfly migration stations and planting flowers and…
Join the Northeast Newscast in this weeks episode with Director of Communications and Outreach, Jennifer Watson and Northeast News publisher Michael Bushnell to discuss the upcoming KC Stemfest on March…
Autora Helen Headrick | Ilustrador Philip GoudeauTraducido por Daisy Garcia Montoya Nunca mire el sol directamente sin lentes de eclipse La única vez que uno puede ver seguramente el sol,…
Author Helen Headrick | Illustrator Philip Goudeau NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN WITHOUT ECLIPSE GLASSES! The only time that one can safely look at the Sun, without eye protection,…
Dorri Partain Assistant Editor The mid-Twentieth Century “Space Race” inspired a Number One hit for a little-known British band. Launched from Cape Canaveral atop a Thor-Delta rocket on July 10, 1962,…
Dorri Partain Assistant Editor On a sunny Sunday afternoon along Gladstone Boulevard, Ken and Deborah Richardson were outside working on their new car. Pedestrians and motorists passing by slowed down for…
Grime: Our Alley Reclamation Project in the East-West alley between Indiana and Bales Avenues, just north of The Avenue, has produced extremely positive and ongoing results and received great feedback.…
Language justice includes the right everyone has to communicate in their own language and a respect for the language rights of all people. Language access means that no matter what…
I’ve been thinking about the homeless issue and I recommend a different approach. The infrastructure to serve this population is already here and the Northeast will not win a “democratic”…