When local non-profit Seton Center saw that the Kansas City Missouri Police Department had a need for additional surgical masks to use in the community, East side-based social services organization stepped up and donated 500 surgical masks to the police department at the East Patrol station.
Seton Center offers a dental clinic for low-income community members and had a small surplus of surgical masks on hand.
“We have a strong relationship with East Patrol, said Paul Hoffman, executive director of the Seton Center. “They are one of our community partners and our neighbors and we like to do what we can for our neighbors.”
East Patrol Division social worker Trina Miller was thrilled to receive the donation of masks.
“This is a great donation for us because our officers are still out on the street and they’re still answering calls and this donation will give them a better opportunity to protect themselves.”
Sergeant Jake Becchina echoed Miller’s sentiment on the donation.
“We realize that social distancing is one thing but our officers often don’t have that choice when responding to a call,” Becchina said. “Bottom line we need as many officers as we can to remain healthy in our community and this donation helps make our community safer.”
The masks will be distributed to the patrol zones for use in officers vehicles when responding to calls for service.
Becchina said anyone wishing to make a donation may do so at any of the department’s patrol zones. An interactive map is available on the department’s website at kcpd.org.