RideKC service routes will offer more hours as the region opens back up amid the COVID-19 crisis.
Starting May 31, most routes in Kansas City, Mo., and Kansas City, Kan., will continue to use Saturday schedules on weekdays, but routes previously scheduled to run past 9 p.m. will resume doing so. Weekdays and Saturdays will run the Saturday schedules that existed prior to the April 12 route changes. Sundays will run the Sunday schedules that existed prior to the April 12 route changes and routes previously scheduled to run past 9 p.m. will resume doing so.
The following routes will add later service, consistent with the schedules that existed prior to April 12:
Main MAX
Troost MAX
Prospect MAX
11 Northeast-Westside
12 12th Street
18 Indiana
24 Independence
27 27th Street
31 31st Street
39 39th Street
47 Broadway
77 Casino Cruiser
85 Paseo
101 State Ave.
201 North Oak
229 KCI Boardwalk
To accommodate an increase in riders, some bus sizes will change to help with for social distancing.
Online schedules are available on the RideKC webpage. RideKC’s mobile app and website schedules will be updated to reflect the new service.