Due to local utility companies planning power outages to conserve energy, below zero temperatures and slick roads – on top of a yearlong pandemic, businesses, schools and services across the metro are closed today.
Evergy, a regional power supplier, is resuming 30 to 60 minute intermittent outages due to regional power supply needs as directed by Southwest Power Pool. If power is out for more than an hour, Evergy requests residents contact them please report it: MO and MO/KS Metro Customers: 888-544-4852 KS Central Customers: 800-544-4857.
This list will be updated as new information becomes available:
- All Court operations including court hearings, scheduled to be held in-person or virtually, will not take place on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 in the 16th Judicial Circuit in Jackson County due to the extreme cold temperatures and the possibility of rolling utility service disruptions. All Jackson County Courthouses, including the Downtown Courthouse, the Eastern Jackson County Courthouse in Independence, the Jackson County Family Justice Center, and the Albert Riederer Community Justice Complex, will be closed on Tuesday.
- Kansas City Public Schools have suspended classes today, including virtual learning. “Well, team, we were going to try to get our learning in today, but due to the rolling energy blackouts happening across the KC region, we are canceling all distance and virtual classes for today,” a message from the district read on Twitter. “Thank you for being so flexible in how we continue to approach this year! Be warm.”
- Due to dangerous weather conditions, Frontier Schools will have no in-person classes on Tuesday, February 16. Students will continue to learn virtually. Meal pickup and delivery is cancelled for tomorrow – February 17.
- All Kansas City Public Library locations are closed Tuesday, Feb. 16 due to extreme weather.
- Most RideKC buses are using regular routes. Buses in Independence, Mo., are using Snow Routes due to the condition of side streets. RideKC Freedom, Freedom On-Demand, and RideKC Micro Transit are in Phase A of the inclement Weather Plan, with delays of 30 to 60 minutes possible. Cancel or reschedule your RideKC Freedom trip by calling 816-842-9070.
- Warming Buses are available at: East Village Transit Center in Kansas City, Mo. The bus will stay throughout the day as long as the temperature is 10 or below, and will be located close to the Transit Center building; Mission Transit Center, 6:30-10:30 AM; Independence Transit Center, starting at 9 AM; 47th & State Midtown KCK Transit Center, the Community Room will be available as a Warming Center as riders wait for transfers.