By Michael Bushnell
Northeast News
August 15, 2016
KANSAS CITY, Missouri – The Kansas City MO Police Department is seeking the public’s help in identifying the above individual, who is believed to be responsible in at least five area church burglaries. He is believed to be a slender black male in his early twenties or thirties. He gains access through a window, then either disables the security system or moves the cameras until he is not in its view. If you have any information on who this individual may be, please call the TIPS Hotline at 816-234-TIPS (8477).
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in the 300 block of Benton Boulevard and Grace United Church in the 800 block of Benton Blvd. were both burglarized in early August. Property Crimes detectives at East Patrol indicated that the same type of electronic equipment was stolen from each church. In an email sent out to area neighborhood organizations, Sergeant Lisa Allender indicated that microphones, speakers and similar electronics were stolen. In the case of the St. Anthony’s, it is one of a at least three burglaries that has plagued the church over the last year or so.
According to Father Paul Turner of St. Anthony’s Parish, roughly $3,000 worth of sound equipment was stolen on Tuesday, August 2 when the burglar broke a stained glass window to gain access to the church.
“Somehow he was able to maneuver around the interior motion sensors and get this stuff out of the sanctuary” said Turner. “We’re not sure if it was a malfunction or not but we as a congregation really feel violated by this latest burglary.”
Turner noted the historic stained glass window is being repaired and additional alarm hardware is being added to the present system to deter additional burglaries.