Michael Bushnell
Possible improvements to the current five-way intersection at Lexington, Maple, and Missouri Avenues in the Pendleton Heights neighborhood will be the topic of a public meeting and open house tonight at the offices of the Northeast Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, sponsored by the city’s Public Works Department.
Since the vacation of both Woodland and Highland Avenues between Missouri and Independence Avenue, the Lexington and Missouri intersection handles twice the traffic it did a decade ago and has left some motorists there wondering who has what right of way and when. Often this leads to potentially hazardous conditions.
To that end, Public Works officials will introduce potential improvements to the intersection in order to calm the traffic. Also a topic of discussion will be the oft-malfunctioning traffic signal at Missouri and Woodland Avenues.
The meeting starts at 5:30 pm and will include a presentation by the Public Works department outlining potential changes and upgrades. Community input is also sought on the project. The Northeast Chamber offices are located at 2657 Independence Avenue in the former post office building.
We’ve put a link on our website to a powerpoint presentation that outlines some of the changes that may be in store. It should be noted that options included in the powerpoint presentation are not carved in stone and offer potential alternatives to the current intersection configuration.
A Zoom link is included here, for anyone interested in attending virtually.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 7120 6091
Passcode: 601165
Download Powerpoint link here: