Northeast News
October 16, 2013
Kansas City Public Schools (KCPS) wants to improve its facilities and needs the public’s assistance.
KCPS is in the process of redrawing school attendance boundaries and developing a long-range facilities plan that will guide capital improvement decisions for the next five years. The master plan will ensure that facility improvements promote academic achievement and will evaluate the adequacy of existing education facilities and assess which facility improvements are needed in order to improve the learning environment for KCPS students. In addition, a financing strategy will be identified for completing necessary facility improvements.
KCPS is seeking public input regarding redrawing attendance boundaries and individual school building needs.
Upcoming challenges include opening two middle schools for the 2014-2015 school year, opening two early learning centers by 2015, and enrollment growth and reductions in certain regions of KCPS.
Over the next five months, KCPS will work with the community and experts to establish new boundaries and solidify the Facilities Master Plan.
The next public meeting will be held on Thursday, Oct. 24, at 5:30 p.m. at Manual Career and Technical Center, 1215 E. Truman Rd., Kansas City, Mo.