3rd District City Councilman Jermaine Reed and City Manager Troy Schulte were among those who testified on behalf of the proposed $27 million redevelopment plan for the 18th and Vine District on Wednesday, June 8 at City Hall.
3rd District City Councilman Jermaine Reed and City Manager Troy Schulte were among those who testified on behalf of the proposed $27 million redevelopment plan for the 18th and Vine District on Wednesday, June 8 at City Hall.

Northeast News

June 9, 2016

KANSAS CITY, Missouri – After more than four hours of presentations, public testimony, and debate, the KC Council’s joint Planning, Zoning, and Economic Development and Finance committee remained stalemated on Wednesday, June 8 on the issue of whether or not to advance a $27 million redevelopment proposal for the 18th and Vine District.

Ordinance No. 160431 is a three-year, multi-phased proposal that would appropriate $11.9 million in funds from the 2017 fiscal year budget, with phases two and three being funded in fiscal years 2018 and 2019, respectively. Twelve projects in total are included in the public-private redevelopment proposal, including upgrades to the American Jazz Museum, Boone Theater, and Buck O’Neil Education and Research Center, among other focuses.

While the committee meeting brought a lot of good dialogue among committee members, a vote to pass the ordinance will have to wait for another day. On Wednesday, a motion to hold the ordinance for three weeks was voted down 5-3, a motion to advance without a recommendation failed to receive a second, and a motion to advance and do pass the ordinance failed by a vote of 4-4. Seeing little other recourse, committee Vice Chair Scott Wagner ended the meeting without a decision; which resulted in the ordinance being held until the committee can reconvene at a later date.

If you missed it yesterday evening, here are a series of tweets breaking down the meeting. Look out for next week’s issue of the Northeast News for the full story:







